* PG8168 - EEPROM/EFUSE Programming Utility for *
* Realtek RTL8168 Family Ethernet Controller *
* Version : *
* Copyright (C) Realtek Semiconductor Corp. 2011. All Rights Reserved. *
--- The Sepcified EEPROM Type is 93c66.
Example: PG8168 /eeprom /93c66.
/nodeid HexNODEID
--- Program NODEID into EEPROM or Efuse.
This action only takes effect on first adapter found.
Example: PG8168 /nodeid 00E04C681234
/svid HexSVID HexSMID
--- Program SVID and SMID into EEPROM or EFuse.
Example: PG8168 /svid 10EC 8168
--- Display SVID, SDID and MACID with each Adapter .
Example: PG8168 /vMAC
Batch file Command
PG8168 /93c66 /nodeid 002324%1
bu timewait 5
PG8168 /93c66 /svid 17AA 308F
bu timewait 5
PG8168 /vmac /93c66